13-Year-Old Singer Receives AGT Golden Buzzer After Being Compared To Janis Joplin

13-Year-Old Singer Receives AGT Golden Buzzer After Being Compared To Janis Joplin

Over the last 13 seasons of America’s Got Talent there have been some incredible singing acts. But there hasn’t been anything quite like 13-year-old Courtney Hadwin.

Stepping on to the AGT stage and speaking with the judges prior to her performance, Courtney was incredibly nervous and rather awkward. It wasn’t until the music started that true magic happened.

When Courtney opened her mouth to sing, it was absolutely mind blowing. This 13-year-old, shy girl seemed to be taken over by a musical spirit. Her awkward, yet cool dance moves accompanied her incredibly vocals. My first impression was that of Janis Joplin. You simply don’t hair vocals like that in this day in age, none the less coming from a 13-year-old.

At the end of her performance, the crowd went wild and Howie Mandel spoke first, referencing Janis Joplin and Courtney’s likeness to her.

Howie told Courtney he wouldn’t be able to sign her to a record label, but he could do something else for her. That’s when he slammed his hand down on the golden buzzer.

Prior to hitting the stage Courtney expected the judges to hit the big red X buzzer…never the golden buzzer!

My prediction…she will win the entire show this year! Just sayin’.
