VIDEO: Homeless Man’s Life Completely Changes After He Pays Back Animal Shelter That Kindly Cared for His Dog… But then…

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When Pete Buchmann and his cherished canine buddy were living in a tent due to their lack of housing, one animal shelter showed an incredible amount of kindness to them.

Five years later, the 58-year-old man is still making his payments to them, which has resulted in a plethora of benefits and a new life for him.

Buchmann has worked in the construction industry ever since he graduated from high school; but, when he was laid off in 2014, he found himself unable to pay his rent and was ultimately forced to live in a tent as a result.

Buchmann enjoyed the opportunity to camp for a bit, but it was difficult for his dog Buster, who was nine years old at the time.

Buchmann was determined to find a place for his arthritic dog, Buster, to stay safe, so he took Buster to the Faithful Friends Animal Society in Wilmington, North Carolina, and he found a homeless shelter for himself just up the road.

However, they were never apart for more than a short period of time since Buchmann would walk a distance of five miles every day in order to see Buster.

In addition to that, he started working as a volunteer at the animal shelter, where he would spend two to three hours a day walking the other dogs.

After Buchmann’s tale was reported on by major news outlets, a large number of people reached out to offer their assistance.

A local man gave him a truck at no cost, a transitional housing initiative covered his rent for six months at a nearby apartment complex, a fire security company offered him a job (which he still has to this day), and individuals from all over the world contributed a total of more than $39,000 to a GoFundMe campaign that was established in his name.

However, this is not the final chapter in the tale. Even after the passing of his beloved pet Buster two years later, Pete never ceased donating to the animal shelter or helping at the facility.

According to what Buchmann shared with The News Journal, “Faithful Friends helped me save my faithful friend.” “I’ll be grateful forever.”

Even though it wounded his heart, he knew that the feeling of isolation would not continue forever.

Soon after, employees at the shelter approached Buchmann with a request: would he kindly consider taking in a troubled mutt that had been determined to be unadoptable due to the fact that he barked at everything and detested women? The response was a positive yes.

Matteo had developed a “reactive” personality during his time at Faithful Friends as a result of the poor treatment he received from his previous owners. He was unwanted by everyone.

Buchmann, on the other hand, developed a close relationship with the dog while he was volunteering at the shelter, and as a result, he chose to bring the puppy home with him for the weekend.

It didn’t take long for him to make Matteo a permanent part of his family.

Matteo underwent significant behavioral changes after moving into his new forever home.

He no longer exhibited any hostility toward females, and the dog no longer howls in protest whenever Pete turned on the vacuum.

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