Jon Gosselin’s ex-wife was a good mother to his son, but he left him during her cancer treatment…

After their split, Jon and Kate Gosselin fought over custody for years. In that time, Jon fell in love with Colleen Conrad, who had just received a cancer diagnosis. Sadly, the diagnosis led to the couple’s separation.

Jon and Kate Gosselin were the reality television power couple that demonstrated to the country what it was like to raise eight children, including sextuplets, over ten years ago. Shortly after beginning their relationship, the couple split up and began a ten-year war over custody of their son Collin.

In a strong accusation, Jon claimed Kate physically and mentally mistreated his daughter, Hannah, and their son. While going through the divorce process, Jon fell in love with Colleen Conrad, who raised his kid as more than just a mother. But amid her cancer battle, they recently called it quits amicably.

People who knew the couple, who wed in 1999, supported them as they attempted to conceive in order to treat Kate’s polycystic ovarian syndrome. The couple welcomed twins Cara and Madelyn in 2000 then sextuplets Joel, Collin, Aaden, Leah, Hannah, and Alexis in 2004 after undergoing fertility treatments.

Due to their unusual combination of twins and sextuplets, the family was able to become reality stars on their own program, “Jon & Kate Plus 8.” The show was the talk of the town for a while, but everything started to fall apart in 2009 when it was claimed that Jon had an affair with Deanna Hummel, a teacher.

Similar allegations were made about Kate’s relationship with their family’s security, Steve Neild. Even though Jon and Kate both refuted the claims, their condition resulted in their divorce by June of that year. Kate claimed that her spouse had requested a divorce.

“This is something that Jon has long requested. He no longer desires to be my husband. He hired a lawyer without asking any questions and advised me to do the same, so I did “Kate disclosed.

In 2010, Jon filed a lawsuit seeking primary custody of all eight of their children, alleging Kate had abused her power when setting up visitation plans. Despite dropping the charges, Jon re-filed a petition for custody in 2014, alleging that his ex-wife was raising their children improperly.

While the rest of the family lived with Kate, Jon took his two kids, Hannah and Collin. Since Collin and Hannah are currently residing in his home, he declared, “I’m going to concentrate [on] Hannah and their futures and be the best dad I can for them.”

Jon charged Kate with torturing Collin during their custody dispute and secretly taking him to a child and adolescent behavioral unit. He claimed that despite their son not having any other medical conditions except ADHD, Kate sent him away.

Kate apparently only paid Collin three visits over the three years he was “caged” and refused to let Jon know where their kid was. The reality star claims that the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services sent him a letter informing him that Collin was accused of abusing children.

Further research revealed that Jon’s mother had been accused of abuse by his then-11-year-old many times. The involvement of Collin and their other children in alleged child abuse was also mentioned in the roughly fifty-dozen letters that Jon said he had received over the years.

Jon asserted that Collin experienced PTSD as a result of his experience. Collin reportedly stated the following in a letter he penned as a prisoner: “When I told Mom that I wanted to live with you, she declined. Yet, correct? She cannot make my decision. I am of legal age now. Not her son—I’m YOUR son. When I left your home, she began to abuse me. I apologize.”

Two years after his father saved him, in 2020, Collin, then 16 years old, claimed that his father had physically mistreated him by striking and kicking him.

Kate spoke up about the situation because she was furious with her ex-husband. She said, “I’m not going to be silent any longer.” “You can say whatever you want about me, and I’ll maintain my integrity. But if you hurt my kids, I’ll take revenge.”

Conrad’s stage 2 cancer was reduced to stage 1 after a single mastectomy.

While their family was in disarray, Jon developed feelings for his longtime friend Colleen Conrad. Years later, they unintentionally crossed paths again, reconnected, and started dating. The children of Conrad lived contentedly with the combined family under one roof.

Fortunately, Conrad has provided Jon’s children—especially Collin—with a loving mother figure. The teen neglected to mention Kate in a Mother’s Day post she composed that was devoted to Conrad. He wrote, according to Daily Mail:

Colleen, you are so much more to me than just a mother; you are one of my rules and one of my guiding lights. I could call it Mother’s Day, but it’s more than that.

Sadly, despite her cancer battle, Jon and Conrad decided to split after seven years of happiness. The choice to split up, in Jon’s words, was “Incredibly sad” but it was done peacefully. He stated: “We faced several challenges and did our best to overcome them, but ultimately, things didn’t turn out as planned. Coleen is still someone I love and care for.”

Jon is prepared to “start a new chapter” in his life right now. Nevertheless, he continues to be Conrad’s lifelong supporter.

After seeking couple’s counseling to address their concerns, the couple separated during the height of the pandemic. Shortly after that, Conrad received a breast cancer diagnosis, and Jon supported his ex-girlfriend despite the nature of their relationship.

Conrad’s stage 2 cancer was reduced to stage 1 after a single mastectomy. Jon supported her during her cancer treatment and even used his health insurance to cover some of the costs. “I have excellent health insurance. It includes the entire family, “added he.

Contrary to what others believed, Jon tried to grasp Conrad’s cancer diagnosis while accompanying her to multiple doctor’s appointments and procedures. Everything has worked out perfectly for the two despite their separation.

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