A Texas police protects a school while sharing happiness… But then this happens…

Officer Arthur Parker, 57, keeps the cars and his body moving in front of Clark High School in Plano, Texas, shocking several drivers.

“I got a patrol call and someone stated there’s a cop intoxicated in the street. “They received a genuine call,” Parker explained.

But it’s nothing new to students and staff who know Officer Parker, or OP as he’s affectionately known.
He’s been a school resource officer for 27 years, and he’s gotten stronger by keeping people safe and spreading joy.

“He makes them giggle,” said Janice Williams, principal of the secondary school.

“My initial thought was, ‘Oh my my, this is going to be the person who’s going to be guarding us,’ because he did his usual silly OP (Officer Parker) thing and went into some kind of character, and he’s had me giggling ever since,” Williams recalled.

Parker even taught himself a harmonica melody for every occasion to keep students motivated.

He plays Taps as a history lecture. “Play ‘Star Wars,’ ‘Luke, I am your father, go to class,” he says to urge the kids to move along.․․

He’s a confidant and confidence builder for the teenagers at Clark High.

“OP, he really tries to find that connection,” said Sapida Abbasi, a pupil.

“He’s basically taught me to be confident no matter what,” she explained.

“When it’s enjoyable. “When things get serious, he’s severe,” remarked student Sirnic Mbua.

Officer Parker was named Plano police officer of the year last year.

To express their gratitude, the students devised a covert scheme in which they surprised the police veteran with a cheer rally.․․

Parker feels that making other people happy is the key to living a happy life.

“I feel like I have so much to offer, yet I’m still not doing enough.” “Not many individuals have the opportunity to make someone happy, or are aware of the power they have,” Parker added.

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