Doctors can be creative and funny too…Watch the video of 5 nurses singing about waking up early in the hilarious video below…

Gary Cozine, Doug Meuwissen, Rich Leyh, and Keith Larson, all certified nurse anesthetists, perform as part of the group The Laryngospasms, which takes its name from the medical term for the feeling of being unable to talk or breathe. Cozine posted a music video for the group’s well-known original parody song Waking Up Is Hard To Do on his YouTube account back in 2008.

So what do you do when your health is compromised? Naturally, your initial inclination is to seek out a medical professional with training in the field who can assess and treat your symptoms. Thankfully, we have these good people to help us survive while we’re in trouble. Many people believe that of all professionals, doctors are among the most elite.

This is true, and doctors take their work extremely seriously, but even people in essential professions should occasionally have a little fun. A well-known video illustrates how comical your doctors can actually be. Even while they take their employment seriously, they also have extracurricular interests they like showcasing. You cannot help but laugh when watching this video.

The collective, known as “Laryngospasms,” takes great pleasure in performing musical parodies. They are “a group of practicing Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists that compose and perform medical parodies for audiences throughout the United States,” according to their Facebook. You’ve probably never witnessed medical workers having this much fun. Their act, which they do while holding a bedsheet and decked up in scrubs, is heartwarming and funny. Furthermore, it’s reasonable to conclude that the Laryngospasms have a sizable fan base with over 15 million views as of April 2020.

Watch the funny video here:

YouTube video

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