Group Of Seniors Do Line Dance To Chubby Checker Song

Group Of Seniors Do Line Dance To Chubby Checker Song

Before TikTok dance trends, there was the twist.

Sixty years ago, the twist first emerged on the dance scene, and up until today, it’s still just as fun as ever.

In the early 1960s, the twist was considered highly provocative with a lot of shaking of the hips and swinging arms involved, until it slowly became tamer as years went by.

A group of eleven people mainly composed of elders showcased an epic line dance performance.

The choreographer of the 10 lovely women and one gentleman was Karen Tripp.

For their grand performance, Karen chose “Let’s Twist Again” by Chubby Checker which is one of the most popular songs for doing the twist.

Their dance steps that included 32 counts and 4 walls were not too fast, but not too slow either. They’re just speedy enough to give the dancers a slight challenge.

The dancers in the video would slide to the left and right, clap, and then turn in another direction. We’re quite sure that there are not a lot of people who know how to do dances like these anymore.

Of course, there was a lot of twisting involved in their routine, but almost everyone thinks that what the dancers did with their line dance was neat and we definitely agree.

Watch their impressive performance in the video below.