Heavily Pregnant Woman Walks Onto Dance Floor, Leaves Everyone Floored With Energetic Salsa Routine

Heavily Pregnant Woman Walks Onto Dance Floor, Leaves Everyone Floored With Energetic Salsa Routine

We all know that pregnancy affects every woman in different ways. Some get die-hard cravings for strange foods, others get overly emotional and some can be bed-ridden for long periods of time. However, some women gain supersonic talents and refuse to let a baby bump stop them from living their daily lives. Just take a look at this pregnant salsa dancer.

Everyone reacts differently to becoming pregnant – but one woman has really stood out in our eyes. Why? Well, put it this way – she loves to dance and she doesn’t plan on stopping.

At 35-weeks pregnant, Valentina Izarra knew that she was still fit and able to move. Despite having a huge baby bump, she wasn’t going to give up doing something she loves.

At an event, Valentina Izarra and her partner Slavik Bularga both beautifully performed a salsa dance routine to

Valentina took to the dancefloor wearing beautiful jewelry, a fitted dress, and some high heels. After months of watching the dances from the sidelines, Valentina knew she was ready to perform again – even if she was 35 weeks into her pregnancy.

This pregnant salsa dancer shows no sign of stopping!

According to Baby Centre UK, dancing can help keep your muscles toned and aid flexibility which keeps you healthier during pregnancy:

If dancing is new to you, it’s best to stick to a gentle dance class that doesn’t involve jumping and isn’t too strenuous. It’s also worth mentioning to your doctor or midwife that you’ve joined a dance class. Best of all, it’s fun and sociable. If you’re not the type to sign up for exercise sessions at your local gym, you may find that a dance class suits you better.

After watching her performance, we think it’s fair to say that Valentina is definitely fit and healthy enough to give it her all with this beautiful salsa dance.