Jennifer Lopez And Jimmy Fallon Dance And Sing The Tight Pants Song And The Audience Can’t Stop Laughing

Jennifer Lopez And Jimmy Fallon Dance And Sing The Tight Pants Song And The Audience Can’t Stop Laughing

What is the first thing you think of when you think of Jennifer Lopez? Some people will think of her as a singer, other people as an actor and still others, as a performer. The fact is, she is very diverse when it comes to her skills, so she tends to fit into all of those categories and she often makes the crossover from one to another seamlessly. There is another category that Jennifer Lopez fits into, however, and that is an entertainer. She has the ability to make people smile, and that is seen in the video below.

Many celebrities look forward to the day that they have the opportunity to get on the late-night talk show. It seems to take their career to the next level and it is an honor to sit in the seat and be interviewed. If you happen to get invited to appear on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, however, there may be much more involved than just an interview. He is known for taking the celebrity guests that show up on his show and putting them in some type of amusing skit. It could happen to anyone on his show, and obviously, Jennifer Lopez was not immune.

Some of the skits that Jimmy Fallon does with his celebrity guests involve singing, and Jennifer Lopez was an obvious choice. They chose the song tight pants’ and sung it in 60s style. As they went back and forth on the stage singing, it was amusing to watch but then when Jennifer Lopez started threatening him, it got even funnier.

We sometimes get the opportunity to see what is happening in celebrities’ lives. They try to hide it for the most part, enjoying their privacy but when they are on the late show with Jimmy Fallon, privacy is not an option. Watch this hilarious video for yourself below: