In the documentary series “Harry and Meghan,” Samantha Markle’s daughter Ashleigh expresses her opinion for the very first time… Find out more below…

The documentary series that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are producing involves interviews with friends and family members who have never come out publicly before, including Meghan’s niece Ashleigh, who is Meghan’s half-sister Samantha Markle’s biological daughter. And although there is little question that Meghan and Samantha do not have a romantic relationship, Meghan has an exceptionally close relationship with Ashleigh, who was brought up by her parents’ parents.

“During her on-camera interview, Ashleigh stated, “There’s a sister element, there’s something maternal, she’s a best friend, she’s sorta all the things,” while Meghan remarked, “I wanted a sister and she was like a little sister. Simply because he was associated with Ash, the media subjected him to a significant amount of scrutiny. I didn’t want her life to be filled with all of that conflict because I cared about her.”

Ashleigh also disclosed that she had severed communications with Samantha as a direct result of the latter’s behavior toward Meghan.

She stated, “After the news first surfaced, Samatha quite immediately began expressing a lot of furious remarks about Meg towards me.” “After the news first broke, Meg was the subject of a lot of Samatha’s anger,” she claimed. “It looked like no matter what I said, you know, her perspective didn’t alter and seemed to get angrier and bigger, and eventually we stopped talking about it. What was transmitted to me was possibly some resentment. There are those individuals who are completely impervious to logic.”

Because of Samantha’s actions, the team working for Meghan and Harry’s wedding decided that it would be best if Ashleigh did not attend the royal wedding.

When asked about the position of her communications team, Meghan responded by asking, “How do we explain that this half-sister isn’t invited to the wedding but the half-daughter sister is?” “When it came to Ashleigh, the advice that was given at the time was to discourage her from attending our wedding. I was in the car with H when I phoned her, and while we had her on loudspeaker, we walked her through what counsel we were being provided and why this evaluation was being made, and it is excruciatingly terrible.”

While this was going on, Ashleigh remembered, tearfully, “I’m pretty sure I mentioned that I was wounded, but that I understood where the other person was coming from. It has been challenging to come to terms with the fact that my biological mother was the source of the disruption in a connection that is very significant to me, as well as the feeling that it was severed as a direct result of her actions.”

Given Ashleigh’s willingness to take part in this docuseries, it would appear that she and Meghan have maintained a strong friendship; therefore, it is my sincere hope that we will be able to hear more from Ashleigh after the release of Volume II on December 15.

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