A man in Texas uses Twitter to save his brother and dog in North Carolina…

NC HOPE MILLS Craig Williams was concerned about his brother Chris this weekend when Hurricane Matthew unleashed a torrent of rain on North Carolina and swamped Chris’ hometown of Hope Mills..

Craig, on the other hand, was in Texas and unsure what to do…

According to CBS Greensboro station WFMY, Craig was scrolling through Twitter, searching at the hashtag #HopeMills, when he unknowingly came upon a photo of Chris’ area.

Craig shared the photo with Chris, saying that at least it wasn’t his house, which had been captured by a drone operator using the Twitter account @ImSoFirst…

The house to the far right of the photo with the blue shutter was, in fact, Chris’ house, and Chris was still locked inside, a fact that Craig later admitted surprised him.

Craig, who lives in Texas, instantly asked the man who took the drone photo if he could assist his brother, a Navy veteran with a dog named Lana who is unable to swim…

After that, the drone operator returned to the location and summoned a FEMA crew, which rescued Chris and Lana.

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