Daughter delights her father by purchasing the beloved vehicle he had sold 21 years earlier to pay for her…The reason will touch you…

Sometimes the route to higher education is a lengthy one with many turns. To finish their degrees, students frequently need to take pauses from their studies. In order to fulfill their aspirations, people can even have to sacrifice the things they value the most. Randy Martin from Daleville, Virginia, is all too familiar with this lesson.

Martin first felt called to religious life and the seminary in 1993. Martin had to sell his cherished 1936 Ford Sedan in order to pay for his education. Together, Martin and the vintage Ford had had many adventures. Martin purchased the car at the age of 16, and he himself restored it to pristine condition. The Ford won numerous first-place medals at regional vehicle shows because to its stunning white paint job.

Martin was devastated to have to part with his valuable Ford, but he believed that it was God’s plan for him to do so. Martin Hamren’s daughter Stephanie would never forget the expression of pain on her father’s face when he abandoned his first child. Martin told his family that he dreamed of finding the car even though he was separated from it, and he never stopped thinking about it. Hamren created a unique GoFundMe page specifically to aid with the cost in order to repurchase her father’s car.

In 2014, Hamren and her family finally located the car in New Orleans, halfway across the country, after a protracted search. The family set out to surprise their father, secretly purchasing it and shipping it to their home state. Martin’s eyes welled up with tears at the sight of his old friend, who thanked God for such a wonderful family as the family captured the unexpected reveal.

She had Matthew 19:29 emblazoned on the chain, which read, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life,” which Hamren’s father noticed as she gave him the keys.

Martin and Hamren have been refurbishing the Ford themselves ever since the big announcement. However, Hamren’s mother’s illness forced the family to divert a lot of their money on paying medical expenses, which meant that a lot of the work on fixing the car had been put on hold. Once more, auto enthusiasts have come to the family’s aid by providing over $3,000 to help with repairs.

Finding the car, getting the money, and driving it without incident halfway across the US was a true blessing from God, according to Hamren.

Her father is overjoyed. Hamren stated, “God is very gracious to make this happen for me and my family.

The endearing YouTube video of Martin receiving his automobile, which was uploaded in August 2014, has shook the internet with its goodness and kindness. With over 200 comments, the video has received over 4 million views. This was a lovely surprise for your dad, stated one compassionate person. Congratulations to all parties involved and well done.

Watch his adorable reaction below:

YouTube video

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