On the “Favorite Person Day” the boy dresses like the school security guard. Watch the video to know why…

This heartwarming tale from March 2020 is proof of the positive impact adults can have on children. Easton Blocker, then 5 years old, decided to dress as his school’s security guard for “Dress As Your Favorite Person Day” at his elementary school.

Many young boys identify with Iron Man or Superman, and when the opportunity arises to dress up as their favorite superhero, parents begin hunting for masks and capes. Easton Blocker, a charming 5-year-old at Jacksonville, Arkansas’ Bobby G. Lester Elementary School, had a totally different notion. He decided to dress like Cross, the security guard at his school.

The Jacksonville North Pulaski School District took the crucial choice to employ armed security officers in the fall of 2019. They even went a step further and became the first school district in the state to staff each school with an armed security guard.

Cross spoke with interested students at the start of the academic year while sporting his bright yellow security uniform shirt and holstered revolver. Cross wanted to make sure they knew why he was there because they were asking a lot of questions.

Making sure that children are sufficiently aware of the threat to take protective measures while preventing them from becoming permanently fearful is an ongoing issue. Cross expertly communicated to the pupils why he was there. He responded to their inquiries regarding his motivation for carrying a weapon by explaining that it was to defend them from an intruder who might harm them.

Little Easton was paying close attention, and the words spoke directly to his soul. He was aware that evil people occasionally attempted to harm children in schools, but he now knew that Mr. Cross would not permit it to happen at Lester Elementary.

The school chose to have “Dress as Your Favorite Person Day” at the beginning of March 2020. Before his alarm went off, Easton was awake and eager to head to school. Easton stood out from the throng in his own vivid yellow military shirt amid all the inventive costumes and general hilarity. Cross was shocked and grateful, and it made him value his work more.

Of course, Cross was ecstatic by Easton’s enthusiasm. The security guard and the “junior security guardstory “‘s went viral after the school uploaded pictures of them.

Students don’t normally reward those who directly and positively affect their wellbeing because a flashy superhero is usually given more attention. But for Easton, choosing to dress as Cross was a simple choice. He wanted to look like the man who protects him from criminals every day by dressing like him.

Watch the adorable video below:

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