The video of a kid singing the national anthem with his dad captured everyone’s heart…

The official anthem of the United States of America is “The Star-Spangled Banner.” When Francis Scott Key was imprisoned by the British on one of their ships during the Battle of Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor during the War of 1812, he composed this rousing hymn.

He knew that the British had fallen and that the United States had won when he saw the American flag triumphantly flying throughout the conflict. Key composed the poem that would eventually be set to melody and grow to be such a beloved national anthem with a heart full of patriotic pride.

A proud American father and his small child share a touching moment of patriotism in this sweet duet. The Star-Spangled Banner’s wide range of notes makes it challenging for many adults to learn, yet this Dad seems unfazed by either the high or low notes.

His deep baritone resounds through the entire house. However, the adorable infant that was photographed is the star of the show.

This young child, who is pictured sitting in a highchair, appears to start paying close attention to Daddy nearly as soon as the song begins. This “chip off the old block” is unable to resist singing along with Dad!

The United States government formally recognized “The Star-Spangled Banner” in 1889. President Woodrow Wilson further praised the majesty of the song in 1916. By way of a congressional resolution, it ultimately received its current status as the national anthem of the United States in 1931.

The well-known lyrics, “Oh say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,” were sung by Daddy. The baby’s joy increased as he finished singing the song’s opening lines. The cutest baby-talk rendition of the song ever recorded begins when this precious little performer begins softly tapping the highchair.

Amazingly, part of the baby’s singing sounds a lot like the lyrics of the song! We have no doubt that this outstanding duet will astound listeners everywhere! You can watch the infant start to become even more animated later on in the song, complete with maestro-like arm motions!

Dad’s booming voice reaches a crescendo as the baby imitates him. We simply adore the passionate singing from both of them!

The infant appears to be aware that this is the song’s conclusion when dad plays the high note on “rockets’ red glow.” You can tell that the enthusiasm is at an all-time high right now! Certainly, this infant is pleased to reside in the “country of the free and the home of the brave”!

Watch the lovely hilarious video below:

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