The young girl signs “Shake it off” and literally makes the judges perform too…

Lara appeared at ease as she entered the stage for her rendition of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” on The Voice Kids. But the young child started crying as soon as the judges turned in their seats.

Fans of the show will also tell you that watching the judges hit the big red button and twirl around is emotionally draining.

This Czech vocalist, who is only eleven years old, has a personality that captivates the entire world. Lara performed vivaciously while dressed in leather as soon as she entered the room.

The song was written by Taylor Swift in reaction to her detractors.
Swift went so far as to declare, “I’ve learnt a really painful lesson: people may say whatever they want about us at any time, and we cannot control it. Only our reaction to it is in our hands.

Swift said, “Everything about my life has been examined: my choices, actions, words, body, style, and music,” in an interview with Rolling Stone. You have two options when your life is continuously scrutinized: either you let it destroy you or you develop the skills necessary to deflect criticism. I guess that’s how I deal with things: by brushing it off.

Even if you don’t understand the lyrics, you’d still bop your head to the music because the dance-pop song is so catchy.

Little Lara is so self-assured that she doesn’t necessarily need the song’s message in her life right now, but if she keeps singing this beautifully, haters and keyboard warriors will eventually find a way to attack her. But all it takes is a simple shake-off. The judges were even moving around in their chairs!

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