Flight Instructor Is Killed In Plane Crash After Student Makes One Fatal Mistake

Flight Instructor Is Killed In Plane Crash After Student Makes One Fatal Mistake

Viktoria Theresie Izabelle Ljungman loved flying planes. She loved it so much that she turned her career into being a flight instructor.

Although Ljungman went to Virginia’s Hampton University on a tennis scholarship, she turned her passion for flying into her focus and has since built a career as a flight instructor.

However, the 23-year-old pilot recently died when a student made a mistake while in the air, forcing the plane to plummet and crash.

The young Swedish flight instructor loved being in the air. However, a student mista.kenly pointed the nose of the small ai.rcraft too high, which caused the plane to stall.

After the plane stalled, it began to fall out of the sky, and the young instructor was unable to re.gain control of the aircraft before it crashed into the ground and ki.lled her.

The Swedish flight instructor was with an 18-year-old student, Oluwagbohunmi Ayomide Oyebode. Ljungman and her student were going for a routine flight lesson on Thursday at 3 pm when the accident occurred.

Ljungman was a licensed commercial pilot who lived in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Allegedly, Oyebode, who is a Maryland native, pulled up the nose of the aircraft too much during takeoff. Although the plane was just one hundred feet above the ground, it stalled out and crashed into a ditch.

Unfortunately, the Swedish national did not survive the crash. She was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident.

Meanwhile, Oyebode and another 18-year-old student were the only people on the plane.

They were both rushed to a nearby hospital, where they are being treated for life-threatening injuries related to the plane crash in Virginia.