This young boy explains his version of why God created grandmothers. The video will touch your hearts…

Children often say the most amazing things. Why Did God Create Grandmothers? This young youngster has an excellent response in this endearing 2008 clip from Goodnews with Don & Cheryl.

Grandmothers are among the nicest things we can experience during the day. Grandmas are a wonderful addition to anyone’s life, whether it’s because of their goofy jokes or their kind and caring demeanor. When you need to talk, they’ll listen and share the experience they’ve gained over the years. A young boy in a karate suit responded in the most lovely way when asked why God made grandmothers.

The boy said some pretty genuine things, while sounding ridiculous, with the possible exception of “she’s the king of all of them.” We become more collected and composed as we age. Grandparents are therefore typically kinder and more compassionate than younger adults. This explains why you might observe a contented, placid granny yet learn through their children that they used to be quite feisty.

Grandparents can be more relaxed and supportive of the children when you take into account that they get to enjoy having children around without having to worry about the mundane tasks of parenting.

Grandmas are the best, and this young guy is well aware of that. He obviously thinks the world of her, even though he finds it hard to realize how old she is. It’s all he is aware of.

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