10 Handsome Men Sing Christmas Classic, But When They Start Dancing Crowd Goes Nuts

10 Handsome Men Sing Christmas Classic, But When They Start Dancing Crowd Goes Nuts

When it comes to Christmas music and celebrations, many will admit that they simply love it all! From Christmas decorations to carols, to dancing, and events, the whole month of December is a very special, busy, and lovely time of year. People are more cheerful, the streets are paved with lights, and there’s just a sense of love and happiness in the air.

So when you hear that there is a group of ten men called Straight No Chaser that are pretty darn talented in the department of singing and dancing, and that they’ve got the Christmas spirit vibe going for them, you’ll more than likely be very intrigued to see it!

The group of men is fairly well known today, but that wasn’t always the case. They formed more than a decade ago, but broke up after university, as they all had very different lives. Now, they’re back in action, with a few more albums and some brand new dance moves! And impressing us even more, they’ve come out and done a pretty amazing performance, as well.

They call it the “Can-Can Christmas Song,” and it shows the lads dressed up in smart suits, singing, and dancing, kicking their legs up in the air with ease! These guys are not only talented but also extremely hilarious and entertaining.

You can check out Straight No Chaser’s “Can-Can Christmas Song” below, and we hope you’re ready to dance around your home, office, street, or mode of transportation, like a fool! And if you’ve loved their performance, be sure to like and share it with your family and friends!