3-year-old Dancers Perform Well Choreographed Routine That Has Been Admired by Millions

3-year-old Dancers Perform Well Choreographed Routine That Has Been Admired by Millions

The two Venezuelan adorable dancers are stealing the heart of many people from all around the world. At such a young age, the two cousins are wowing fans with their skills.

Some individuals are born with talents, and these two definitely belong to that group. The toddlers are just three. They hardly have time to learn. However, once they walk up close to the judges, they put their game face on.

The two kids walk up to the platform, who are surrounded by thousands of people. Without any hesitation, they begin with the rhythm. The dance form is called Joropo. The dance form has elements of European and African culture. The term Joropo means party in the native tongue. As soon as the music begins, the two kids held their hands and move along with the rhythm.

Furthermore, the little girl makes perfect spins. They even change the dancing style once the beats take an upbeat twist. The girl from the clip found this video later on and decided to post it on youtube. The clip went viral and has over 8 million views. Thousands of people have shared their feelings regarding the footage. Please press play and enjoy the unique dance. So share your thoughts in the feed.

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