5 Siblings Line Up For Beautiful Rendition Of Christmas Classic

5 Siblings Line Up For Beautiful Rendition Of Christmas Classic

There’s no denying the Wissmann family are a talented bunch! Their voices are angelic and their pure family values are a much-needed breath of fresh air in today’s day and age. Thankfully, they’re back and better this ever  but this time, they have a holiday flair!

Just in time for Christmas, these incredible family musicians combine their skills to share a version of “Good Christian Men Rejoice” with the world – and it’s leaving everyone in complete and total awe. Every proud Christian should hear their performance at least once in their lives.

The group belts out the powerful words to the song in a gorgeous snowy setting! They sing in perfect harmony, “Now ye hear of endless bliss, Jesus Christ was born for this! He hath ope’d the heav’nly door, And man is blessed forevermore!” These important lyrics embody the true meaning of Christmas. They know it’s not the gifts, toys, food or fun that matters the most – it’s celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior!

This message of God’s love is something the Wissmanns do their best to share. They even have a family ministry service in federal prisons to bring His word to those who need it the most.

One of the Wissmann children explained how important the prison visits are to the family on their official blog:

“It started long before we started doing music together as a family. Before most of us were even born, our dad would go weekly into our local jail and have Bible studies with the inmates. Even though Dad was the only one that could go in, it became a family ministry. Often, Dad would come home with prayer requests from the guys and we would pray for them as a family during our devotions…”

“After God opened the doors for us to travel and sing as a family, we felt a burden to go into prisons and share. But we didn’t know of anyone that did that and with all the paperwork it takes to get into a prison, we didn’t know how that was ever going to happen. So we started praying that God would open that door.”

Fortunately, they were able to make that happen. Now the family travels to prisons all over the country to share His love whenever they’re permitted the chance. It’s also why they wanted to share such a powerful video like this one with the world!

With 13 children (not all of whom are performing in this video) and an ever-growing family, the Wissmans are an inspiring country-traveling bunch! Their faith and obvious knack for music is something the world needs more of!

Take a peek at their beautiful music video for yourself by pressing “play” below. You’ll be shocked by how perfect their voices really are!