Woman Breastfeeds Child Around Father-in-law Despite It Making Him Uncomfortable, Asks If She’s Wrong

Woman Breastfeeds Child Around Father-in-law Despite It Making Him Uncomfortable, Asks If She’s Wrong

She was told to nurse the baby in the guest bedroom. She was also repeatedly asked to stop breastfeeding and start giving baby formula.

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Breastfeeding is a natural part of being a mother and an important part of raising a child. While it’s a basic tenet of being a human being, it is still a taboo topic. One woman detailed her ordeal, stating that she was asked to feed her baby away from her father-in-law at their home. The woman asked Reddit if she was wrong to choose to step out of the house of her in-laws.

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User u/aitabffilb writes, “My husband’s family doesn’t celebrate Christmas, so mid-December we spend a week with them before flying to see my parents (who are Christmas mad) to spend the holidays with them,” to explain how they ended up there. Continuing about her father-in-laws’ disdainful reaction towards her feeding their grandchild she says, “My father-in-law has made a few comments in the past about me feeding our baby….. Before we went over he called my husband to tell me he didn’t want me nursing in any “family spaces” because it made him uncomfortable,” which the writer accepts to not create any drama.